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Inglis Square


Contact Inglis Square

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This Heritage designated structure sits as one of Halifax’s oldest multi-unit houses. W. M. Fares Group has envisioned a plan to completely redevelop this beautiful site on one of the oldest streets in Halifax.  The project encompasses a full renovation of the existing house, with the addition of six apartment units, and three townhouse units.

One of the first homes to be built in the Inglis Streetscape was that of John McCulloch. This residence was set well back from Inglis Street, which provides an estate like setting for this historic home. This particular house, built around 1870, is a mid-to-late example of the Gothic Revival style. It displays such developed features as a steeply pitched roof with a cross gable, porches and rounded arched windows. An eminent silversmith from 1844 to his death in 1875, John McCulloch received an award for gold jewellery that he exhibited at the 1866 International Exhibition in Paris. As a Halifax Alderman, he was a prime mover in having city council establish the Halifax Public Gardens in 1867.

Building Features & Amenities

  • 5 appliances including in suite laundry

  • Laminate and tile flooring

  • Excellent downtown location - two minute walk to Point Pleasant Park and walking distance to both downtown Universities

  • Upscale amenities

Check Availability

Contact our building manager at 902-401-6732 to check availability.



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3480 Joseph Howe Dr, 5th Floor
Halifax, NS B3L 4H7

P: 902-457-6676
F: 902-457-4686


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